
Friday, December 7, 2012

Changing our focus

Not a good idea to let the 20 mo. old carry the snow globe!

In years past, we have focused more on the parts of Christmas that are commercialized and Santa related than we have on celebrating the birth of Christ. Although I was raised in church and consider myself a Christian, my husband was not and it had not been a priority in our home for many reasons and none of them are good.

This year is different.
This year is different because we have finally found a church to call ours. We started going last January and although we haven't been as regular as we like, we do feel like we have a place to go.
This year is different because I want to make sure Baylee is brought up in a Christian home that remembers the most important gift of all- Jesus.
This year is different because earlier this year, our family suffered an unimaginable tragedy that made us realize just how fleeting and precious life is. We lost our 15 year old son (my stepson) earlier this year to a terrible accident.  Christmas will never be the same. Our lives will never be the same.

If it was up to my husband and I, we probably wouldn't even put up a tree this year. It's a fine line we are walking between keeping ourselves from feeling overwhelmed with loss and letting Baylee discover how magnificent Christmas can be for a 20 month old.

This year our focus has changed.
So, we have made a decision to keep it simple. This means saying no to parties and obligations. This means we are not turning all of the house red and green with decorations. We have made a list of activities that are important for us to share with Baylee and will do our best to make them happen. If they don't? That's okay. Our focus this year is on the promise of peace that arrived in a stable in Bethelehem many years ago.

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