
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Maybe I shouldn't have let her lick the spoon. Every morning, we have breakfast together. She has oatmeal or pancakes most days while I just have a cup of coffee, heavy on the hazelnut cream. After I stir in the cream, I hand her the spoon and let her lick off the little puddle of coffee that is left behind. So, this morning when I asked her what she wanted to drink, she said "Coffee!" I handed her my spoon but she wasn't satisfied and leaned over to drink out of my mug. Now, before you freak out, I did not give her my coffee. Instead, I made her a nice little mug of hot chocolate (heavy on the milk, light on the chocolate) and gave her her own mug. Oh, and I called it coffee. Success! Really, I think she just wanted to drink out of the mug. She would have been happy with water.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

I Love this little girl! That crinkled nose and smile she does steals a piece of my heart every time!