
Saturday, July 30, 2011

week in the life| THURSDAY

I'm a little behind! Here is Thursday's entry. I will post Friday's later this afternoon.

On my way down the stairs, this is what I see. Ugh! I have a rule that the kitchen sink has to be empty and clean before I go to bed at night because I don't want a scene like this to be the first thing I see. However, when I loaded the dishwasher before bed, not everything would fit. So this is what I saw: mixing bowl from the cake I baked (baked in the bowl, in the micro), few bottles, my green cleaning bucket and the clear bucket where I soak Baylee's clothes when she spits up, and a dirty sink. I used to think I wanted a white porceline sink. I was wrong. It gets stained so easily. I usually fill one side up with water, add some bleach, and then let it soak overnight. The next night I do the other side.

Baylee slept in this morning so I did too.
Going in for a "fish kiss"
Caught her mid sneeze
Maddie, our Pom who barks at everything. I really need to finish
making the curtains for the living room.
Feeding station

Rice cereal makes a mess

Love my Shark steamer/vac! This house is 70 years old and has the dust to prove it!
Putting Baylee's laundry away.
Naptime: Going pretty good without the swaddle. She likes sleeping on her side with her leg kicked over. Usually this ends with her being on her stomach.
Mike came home as she was waking from her afternoon nap. He went in to greet her.
Have to clean out my car. Mike posted it on craigslist and someone is coming to look at it.
Cutting coupons and filling my August calendar while watching Project Runway. Mike tries his best not to make side comments about the people on the show.

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