
Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy New Ye...oh, wait,...

I spent the month of January preparing for February.
You see, it's all about the resolutions and goals we all tend to set at the beginning of the year. I love the excitement and promise a new year brings. I hate the disappointment and feeling of failure that unmet expectations bring. So, I started something a few years ago that has revolutionized the way I start my year. Well, maybe not revolutionized, but definitely taken the pressure off.  Want to know what it is?

My new year doesn't officially start until February 1st.         Simple.As.That.

 I realized that December is so full of Holiday happenings that I don't have the time to invest in making reasonable goals that are attainable. Plus, I would rather be focusing on the beauty of Christmas than thinking about "the future" that is January. I then spend all of January working on my goals and plans for the new year. By February 1st, everything is ready to put into practice, and I am much more likely to be successful.

Some of the things I worked on during January:
  • I chose my One Little Word for the year (hint, hint)
  • I designed a layout for my notebook that will be useful in keeping me on track
  • I listed 3 goals for each month of the year. I will not get behind, I will not work ahead. 
  • Cleaned and purged in order to simplify
I think my plan is doable. Of course, I know I have to be adaptable, but I will not use that as a crutch. 

So, what about you? How are you doing on your resolutions?
Making snow ice cream.

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