Tried a little Christmas photo shoot. Really wanted her to wear red tights but she wouldn't keep them on. |
So yesterday I wrote about how I love to read blogs. I started reading blogs about six or seven years ago. I was at the bookstore looking at a book about scrapbooking. Towards the end, there was a list of resources and it included more than a few blogs. I had heard the term, but that was as far as my knowledge went. Being as I didn't have the money to spend on the book, I went home and looked up the blog resources. OH. MY. GOODNESS. I was immediately hooked. I found so many ideas and things I wanted to try. From there, I discovered photography blogs, and craft blogs, and so many others. The more I read, the more I got involved in the lives of the women who were behind the words on my screen. I found myself referring to them in conversation, "Oh, I have a friend who lives in Canada and she...." or "I know someone who did this really great Christmas activity with her kids." Every once in a while, I would clarify it by saying, "Well, on this blog I read..." but that just makes me sound goofy. (I'm sounding goofy anyway, I know.)
Another thing I noticed, was that many of these invisible friends of mine know each other. That blew my mind! No, they don't get together and go out for coffee, but they have formed friendships,
real friendships, through commenting and emailing. How cool is that?
I thought maybe I would leave you a list of a few of the blogs I read. These are the ones that I read the most often. There are many more that I read occasionally, mostly because they only post occasionally.
Ann Voskamp Just started following her last year, after I read her book,
One Thousand Gifts. If you haven't read it, go get it now. It will change your life!
Whatever (think Philippians 4:8- love that!)I love her compassion and her colorful blog.
Under the Sycamore I've been following her family's journey through the adoption process. I love this family!
Ali Edwards She shares scrapbooking ideas and digital products. Her endeavor to tell the stories of her life in a simple, yet beautiful way is awe-inspiring. Been following her through many life changes and she has handled it all with grace and dignity.
Karen Russell Not really sure how to categorize her (and why do I need to categorize?). She used to design her own line of scrapbook products but isn't really involved with scrapbooking anymore. I started reading her blog for her gorgeous photos and now I read it for her honest portrayal of the ups and downs of life.
One more,
[i] LoveLife. I love her art (I have a print in my living room) and her girls, but mostly I just love the way she has with words. She is an artist who thinks her medium is paint, but I think it is also the written language.
I hope you enjoy visiting their blogs as much as I do!