Well, things got busy around here this weekend and I didn't get around to posting. My dad's brother passed away after a long struggle with Alzheimer's. This meant a house guest for the weekend (my dad came up from Nashville) and seeing lots of family that I haven't seen in years. I did my best to keep up with this project and actually think I did a good job taking pictures but I just didn't have time to make it to the computer. Here is Friday:
BIZ: a new mom's best friend. It does a great job getting out ALL baby stains. |
Reading Little Blue Truck |
vegetables in our garden |
The cute little shed behind our garage. Right now it's full of my sis-in-laws stuff. Someday we will paint the porch and paint the door a cute color and it will be Baylee's playhouse. |
I cleaned our couch. It is SO old & ugly! When we moved we got rid of our old couch and then didn't have the money to buy a new one immediately. We got this one from a friend's neighbor who was going to throw it away. It's not exactly my style but we thought we would be buying a new one soon. However, Mike and I make all of our purchases in cash (or debit card.) We do not even own any credit cards. This means that if we do not have the cash on hand to purchase something, we do not buy it. If we see something we want, we make a note of it, and then have to SAVE $$ to buy it. Well, the couch we have picked out is $1,200 and the few times we have been close to having the money to buy it, something else has come up (with teenage boys, something always comes up!) So here we are with the ugly old couch. |
Mike and I drove to New Haven for my uncle's wake. |
My dad came in town from Nashville for his brother's visitation and funeral. After the visitation we went out to eat at a local Mexican place. The food was mehhh. My dad's side of the family got to meet Mike and Baylee for the first time. This is the only picture I took. It's not good technically, but I still love it. |
Up next...Saturday & Sunday!