Early this morning I tiptoed downstairs to go to the bathroom. I didn't think Baylee was awake yet and because you have to go through her room to get to the bathroom, I was trying to be as quiet as possible. (Post about her room coming soon!) Of course, as I walked in her room, I peaked over the end of her crib and she was awake! She had gotten both arms out of her swaddle blanket and had maneuvered herself to the opposite end of the bed from where she started. I watched as her little hand reached out and spun a little ball that is attached to her crib mirror. She smiled a big smile and did it again. She had no idea I was watching her. Oh how I wish I'd had the camera with me! It was a moment I was very aware of wanting to capture and even though I don't have a picture, I wanted to write about it so the story will be preserved.
I was curious as to how long she would be content before wanting to get up. I usually don't wake up until I hear her fussing but I know she is usually awake for awhile before that. So, I quietly crept back upstairs and caught another 45 minutes of sleep until she started fussing around 7:00.
I love listening to Baylee's "morning sounds" |
While Baylee takes her bottle, I sip my coffee. Lots of hazelnut cream, please! The rest of the house still sleeps.
They are working on the water main beneath our street. Jackhammering before 8:00 this morning. |
The morning light from the front door. We usually alway have our front door open, no matter what time of year it is. I love the light that seeps into our living room. |
Mike begins making calls to make sure his materials are where they need to be. |
When everyone is gone for the day, Baylee and I play on the living room floor. She is looking at a book with photographs in it and is captivated by a photo of her Nonna. |
I shower while Baylee plays in her bouncy seat. |
Someone on a blog I read this morning made reference to a grilled cheese sandwich. I have been craving one ever since, so we head to Steak n' Shake. Baylee falls asleep in the car but wakes up 15 minutes later when we return home. Although it is her naptime, the short amount of sleep in the car was enough to recharge her engines. For a little while. By 1:00 she is so tired that nothing is making her happy. |
I spend from 1:00 to 2:45 trying to calm a crying, fussy, overly tired baby who thinks she already had her nap and doesn't want to go to sleep. She falls asleep at 2:45 and I think I can relax, but she wakes again at 3:00. When I put the paci back in her mouth she falls back asleep. By 3:15 she is deep in slumber and I can get some things done. |
I work a little trying to organize my craft table. I get overwhelmed and walk away. |
Mike comes home as I'm feeding Baylee her afternoon bottle. He gets down on the floor to play with her while I make dinner. Tonight we are having "Etta Tacos" (named after the lady I got the recipe from who would always make them for church functions when I was growing up.) They contain Heinz 57, A1 steak sauce, worcestershire, and tobasco. They are yummy and have been a favorite around here for a long time. |
After dinner and Baylee's bath, some friends stopped by and we walked to the sno cone shop down the street. The sno cones hit the spot on a hot summer night and the fun we had with Alisha, Marc, and Preston was even better.
I realized that I am really good about taking pictures during the day, but once Mike and the boys get home and things get busy, I tend to forget. |